Arjun Passi
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bachelors of Science, Computer Engineering
(University Honors)
Minor in Computer Science
GPA: 3.97/4.0 (In Major), 3.91/4.0 (Overall)
Class Rank: 2/76(Major), 37/1634 (College of Engineering)
Virginia Tech
— Teaching Assistant
[Jan/2016 – May/2016]
Teaching assistant for
Embedded System Design (ECE 4534)
Assist students in designing and developing software application that run on real time systems.
Course work involves setting up interrupts, tasks, queues, timers etc on free RTOS.
Hold weekly meetings with 10+ teams.
Virginia Tech
— Teaching Assistant
[Aug/2015 – Dec/2015]
Teaching assistant for
Hardware Software Co-Design (ECE 4530)
Help students identify performance bottleneck in hardware-software architecture.
Responsible for assisting students to developing and debugging using Quartus and Modelsim.
Grade homework assignments and hold office hours for a class of 40+ students.
— Software Developer Intern
[May/2015 – Aug/2015]
Designed and implemented new search features on an internal Amazon tool.
Worked with hibernate framework to search history in an Oracle database.
Collaborated with engineers and product managers to develop the features.
Followed Agile software development principles:
sprint planning, scrums, and unit testing
GE Aviation
— Information Technology Program Intern
[June/2014 – Aug/2014]
Lead the design of marketing mobile reports that provide relevant data to business leaders and satisfy business reporting requirements.
Developed mobile reports in Cognos BI, Roambi, and TM1 to maximize utility.
Harris Corporation
— Mobile Firmware Intern
[May/2013 – Aug/2013]
Performed TIA-603 testing on portable and mobile radios.
Developed an android application that mimics the functionality of a bluetooth microphone that connects with XG-25P, XG-25M, and Unity Radios.
Virginia Tech
— Undergraduate Research Assistant
[Jan/2013 – May/2013]
Developed a
GUI in C++ using QT framework
Added features to allow users to add, view, and remove fingerprints.
Interfaced with the finger print scanner to model the UI.
Designed a software hierarchy to store multiple users and their finger prints.
Wrote unit tests and accumulated into final report.
Autonomous Rover
— Embedded System Design
Designed a navigation algorithm for rover to traverse boundaries of a room with obstacles.
Implemented a web server that controlled the rover and displayed the path traversed.
Implemented a message passing workflow on RTOS to process all the data wirelessly.
Wrote UART code on the PIC18 board.
Home Automation System
— Large Scale Software Development
Worked in class-wide project to provide a software solution for home automation.
Served as a team leader to build server side APIs.
Used Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to build the notification system on the server.
Followed Agile software development principles.
Hash Collision Search
— Hardware Software Co-Design
Optimized the performance of collision search on SHA-256 hash.
Implemented a hardware coprocessor in Verilog using Quartus IDE.
Wrote test-benches in Modelsim to test/debug the custom hardware coprocessor.
Geographic Information System
— Software Design & Data Structs
Designed a system to organize information pertaining to geographic features such as latitude, longitude, state, and country.
Implemented various data structures such as Quad Tree and Hash Table to provide efficient access to large sets of information.
Simple Oscilloscope
— Microcontroller Interfacing
Implemented a simple oscilloscope running on Cerebot-MX7cK board.
Configured Analog To Digital (ADC) and timer module interrupts.
Sampled voltage values and displayed them on OLED display.
Contact Info
On the web:
Skill Set
Programming Languages
C, C++, C#, Java, MATLAB, Python, Assembly
Designing Tools
Quartus, Modelsim, Verilog, LabView, PSpice
Debugging and GUI tools
Eclipse, Visual Studios, Android Studios, QT, GDB
Embedded System Design
Software Design Data Structures
Digital Design
Operating Systems
Hardware Software Co-Design
Digital Image Processing
Mobile Software Development
Microcontroller Interfacing
Multi-Processor Programming
Large Scale Software Development
Signals and Systems
Network Application Design
Applied Software Design
Cloud Computing
Cryptographic Engineering
Intro to Communication Systems